NextJS: Static, Server-Side, and Client-Side Rendering

Ben Grunfeld
5 min readJul 22, 2020

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In their article in February 2019, the ā€œGreat Brainsā€ at Google laid out rather verbosely what they wanted to see from future web apps, and dangled the dog-treat of improved SEO & search rankings to those who adopted Server-Side or Static Rendering:

Broadly speaking, we would encourage developers to consider server rendering or static rendering over a full rehydration approach.

Weā€™re going to look over each approach in this article and its practical implementation in Next.JS.

But firstā€¦


Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Renders the app on the Server in response to each request, and then sends the hydrated HTML and Javascript back to the Client.

Static Rendering (SR): Renders the app at build time (e.g. when you run the npm run build command). Generally involves generating a static HTML page for every URL. This is NextJSā€™s default approach.

Client-Side Rendering (CSR): Renders the app on the Client in the browser at run time.

Pros and Cons

Even though Nextā€™s recommendation is to use Static Rendering, each approach comes with its pros and cons.

Server-Side Rendering (SSR):


  • Can handle dynamic routes on the fly
  • Rendered page will always be up-to-date


  • Can be slow if there is heavy processing to do since the Client has to wait for each page after it makes a request
  • Canā€™t be cached by a CDN

Static Rendering (SR):


  • Consistently very fast and performant


  • Cannot handle dynamic routes if you donā€™t know all the URLā€™s ahead of (build) time

Client-Side Rendering (CSR):


  • No real pros that I found in the docs. CSRā€¦



Ben Grunfeld

Iā€™m a Front End Engineer who loves React, NextJS, and GraphQL. Looking for a developer in #Israel? Contact me at: